Thursday, March 30, 2006

Ruomlig Says: Another fine way to kill all posting to the site Muf/Steven/Sandman (or words slightly different to that but basically meaning the same thing)

Shough at 10:32 pm

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Harold Wayne! Crazy! Bishop

He must of had strange parents.

Sandman at 9:53 am

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Also, Harold's middle name is Wayne! Crazy!

rey at 5:51 pm
There arent enough Harold Bishop photos on the interweb!

rey at 5:48 pm

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

That's ENOUGH Harold Bishop photos, dammit!

Bon at 11:25 pm

Monday, March 20, 2006

What Would Jesus Madge Do?

Shough at 10:32 pm

Friday, March 17, 2006

Bloc Party obviously have a flower fetish, they did a track called 'Tulips' of course and apparently one of their new songs is called 'Rhododendrons'. True story.

Shough at 9:44 pm
Aw bugger, ive missed neighbours. Ill have to wait for the 17:35 one!

Bonus photo of an elephant.

rey at 2:59 pm

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Orgy of violence.

Don't you hate how they make a story out of it, not beacuse of what happend but because he was a horror film fanatic? if Ruomlig ever goes insane and slaughters some people in an orgy of violence (currently 6/1 odds) will they mention how he idolised Alfred Hitchcock horror films? You can almost guarantee it, but they would be missing the point.

EDIT: I just got word that Harold Bishop is a big Japanese horror film fan, and loves nothing more than laying in a bath of blood and limbs of his victims, who doesn't?

Shough at 6:39 pm
Did you see Harold's meaty hands pwn Paul Robinson? Excellent.

rey at 6:06 pm
Gawker has been in the news a whole bunch recently, apparently they use Googlemaps and the support of Joe Public emailing in with their blackberries or whatever they are to pin point celebrities and their exact position in the states. It's very stalkerish and quite scary but also quite genius. Lets go!

Shough at 5:31 pm
"An eye for an eye Robinson, an eye for an eye" Harold turns physco would-be-killer in Neighbours, epic.

Shough at 5:26 pm

rey at 5:11 pm
Well the posting-on-your-specific-day thing didn't come to anything. Maybe we should try that. Or porn. ThePornFactory.

Bon at 4:43 pm
After the mass influx of posts there has been nothing in the last month apart from my mutterings...... where have you all gone?

Sandman at 3:55 pm

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Today is as easy as 123 ;)

Sandman at 9:20 pm

Friday, March 03, 2006

I now have another home :]

Sandman at 6:01 pm

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