Friday, January 28, 2005

Just had my first haircut in just over a year, and I was convinced by my mates (bastards) to go to Toni and Gay.
I've come out looking like a cross between Liam Gallagher and Julian Casablancas.
Is that a good thing? We''ll let the frequency of mocking decide...

Ed at 3:11 pm

Thursday, January 27, 2005

You will very rarely see a photgraph of me, without my swearing. Diverts attention off my face...

Ed at 8:13 pm
Must push....

Oh, fuck it.

Ed at 3:43 pm

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Must push...

Ed at 1:28 pm
Ed down...

Ed at 1:27 pm
...out of sight...

Ed at 1:24 pm
...towards hell...

Ed at 1:23 pm

Saturday, January 15, 2005

This is the most fun I've had in the net for ages

Ed at 9:05 pm

Friday, January 07, 2005

Burnt Face Man - A Trailer For a Movie That Won't be Made

Boss - "Dammit Stanley, were you thinking about crime again?"
Burnt Face Man - "Yes! Delicious crime! I'll hurt its arms!"

Bon at 10:57 pm

Sunday, January 02, 2005

I'm currently re-"do"-ing at the mo, so TheFactory will have the honour of receving my posts for the time being.

I thought this was interesting... A quote taken from the Wikipedia entry for Dice:

"Dice are thrown to provide random numbers for gambling and other games; however, because the numbers on toy dice are marked with small indentations, slightly more material is removed from the higher numbered faces. This results in a small bias, and they do not provide fair random numbers. Casino dice have markings that are flush with the surface and come very close to providing true uniformly distributed random numbers."

Bon at 3:46 am
Since getting out of bed at 11 AM on Thursday (that's over 62 hours ago at the last count), I've had less than 8 hours sleep. May my brain receive better treatment throughout 2005!

Bon at 1:04 am

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy new year :]

unfortunatly I spent my '04-'05 crossing in bed due to finding out that morning that I had kidney stones [again]. So I hope you all had a great '04 and that your '05 will be even better.

Sandman at 11:52 am

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