Saturday, December 25, 2004

This was so random I felt I had to blog it, even though it is something like 12.30am Christmas morning. I just got into my bed and there was a Sony cassette Walkman in there. In my bed. I don't even possess one of these, so how the fuck or who the fuck I have no idea. Merry Christmas people.

Bon at 12:29 am

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Ed - exquisite furniture - custom made of course.

Ed at 3:40 pm

Friday, December 10, 2004

See, told you. You lot are sooo predictable.

Ed at 1:22 pm

Thursday, December 09, 2004

The new Batman Begins posters have got me staring at my monitor for hours - even more that the Episode III teaser last month. I get giddy thinking about either of those films - but when both posters are on my desktop at the same time, I giggle like a school girl. Here, here, and here.

Sorry to break the no-post thing, but I needed to tell someone who can't say "you sad bastard" straight away.

Edit: I can just guess what the next post will say...

Ed at 4:23 pm

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