Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I just logged into my msn account and it said I had 1 e-mail, so I clicked it and Outlook express opened up! Strange.

Sandman at 9:58 pm

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Arrrrgh. i want Half Life 2.

Anyways, just got back from seeing The Incredibles - its really good, and the kid in it - Dash - is just great, and has become my first favourite child-actor-thingy ever.

Ed at 9:44 pm
After completing Half-Life2 earlier today I would like to make a point of how good it was. From the opening chapters that eased you back into the action and epic story, to the hard as nails enemies the Striders and all the zombie blasting vehicle piloting in between, everything on screen is a marvel with slowdown only occurring near the end of the game when the screen is full of rampaging aliens. The Valve boys [and possibly girls] have created something entirely special and memorable. A lot of work has obviously been put in, in creating a "Fuck, it all looks so insanely gargantuan!" reaction, the size of the area you traverse is consistently breathtaking. The controls are fluid and taking charge of both the hover boat and car is relentlessly enjoyable, so much so you don't want it to end. The voice-acting from the cast is near perfect too as is the sound elsewhere in the game. The action that takes place in Ravenholm is creepy and menacing like nothing else. It's not perfect, the "loading" bits distract somewhat from the game, and on two occasions occurred during a gun-fight or when navigating tricky terrain, but generally placed in convenient areas. It has cleary set a new benchmark for games, and is easily the most important game of this or any other year. Half-Life3 please Santa Claus, 10/10.

Shough at 6:54 pm

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Fon > 20 = woot!

(he's 21 btw)

Bon at 11:07 pm
Happy Bidet Fon.
He's getting his Spider-man tattoo today :] if I can I will post some pics of it.

Sandman at 9:19 am

Saturday, November 20, 2004

*Gasp!* Snow?! Hahaaa!! Snoooooooooow!! Snow snow snow snow snow!! Lots of nice fluffy, deep snow!! Woohoo!!

Erm... No snow here yet. Bollocks.

Bon at 11:12 pm
Bloggers block.
I really have nothing to say. I could try to make something up but i just cant. :s

Sandman at 12:29 am

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Its snowing! Nice fluffy, deep snow!

Ed at 6:20 pm

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Just got back from a Hope Of The States gig - and was impressed - a really good live band. I managed to shake hands with the singer of their support band The Open. Plus they dedicated their last song to John Peel. "Its a great loss. Anyone who gives a shit about music should feel fucking heartbroken".


Ed at 11:02 pm
one of those really annoyingly addicitve games.

Ed at 6:35 pm
I just had the most fucked up dream of my entire life, and that's precisely the reason I'm not going to tell you about it.

Also worth noting that I was awoken from said dream by a phone call from my ex-girlfriend who I've not spoken to (i.e. talked to) in well over a year. Also worth noting is this was all at around 1:30am on the day that I have a date with the first girl since said ex-girlfriend. So a rare evening all round then.

Bon at 2:01 am

Thursday, November 11, 2004

I have previously had a similar experience at Waitrose. A man told me "Remember today that God loves you" and handed me a note offering my salvation.

Shough at 8:26 pm
A bloke walked into McColls on Tuesday and gave my sister a letter then left quite quickly, the note had his name and address on it and read :

We will become friends, God bless you.

Now I find that little strange and somewhat creepy.

Sandman at 8:27 am
The Accountant
RIP The Accountant, 2003 - 2004.
Longstanding Factory member
and all round good bloke.

Bon at 4:11 am
Did anyone else realise that TheFactory had it's first birthday just over 2 weeks ago?

Bon at 2:18 am

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I have decided there are some material objects I need if I want to survive in the modern world much longer. They include, but are not limited to, a laptop, a DV camera, a 256mb graphics card for my PC (Half-Life 2 next week!), and some new trousers.

Bon at 12:49 am

Saturday, November 06, 2004

For no real reason, apart from "what am I going to do now?", I have changed my PC into an Apple Mac.

Ed at 8:19 pm
PStwo... Slim Jim fo' shure!

Bon at 4:09 am

Friday, November 05, 2004

I just had my first glimse of Star Wars Episode III in the form of the teaser trailer, and while not showing much, looks quality and at one point had me saying "holy fuck" out loud. The (film) highlight of my life is coming May 2005....

Ed at 1:21 pm

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