Sunday, October 31, 2004

According to Google's translator the french for Vavavoom is Vavavoom.
That just goes to show how clever Terry Henry is.

[EDIT] Yes I know his real name is Thierry Henry. It's just my crap sence of humor trying to create a giggle.

Sandman at 10:20 pm

Saturday, October 30, 2004

So - we were firing apples and water balloons out of a large sling shot, when some people in the block opposite challenged us to fire a balloon at their window. Technically we lost the challenge because we missed thier window, but we did manged to hit the double glazed uPVC window below them - and smash a near perfect circular hole through both pains of glass. Win.

Edit - Photo

Edit 2 - News just in - the door that was 10 feet behind the window was found to have glass embedded into it... it was a water balloon for christs sake!

Ed at 10:57 pm
Racecar - spell it backwards and you get Racecar.

That really wasn't worth it.

Sandman at 9:05 pm

Thursday, October 28, 2004

In my defence - it wasn't me. But I did enjoy reading it later on The Factory, and kicking myself that I didn't think of doing it before ***** [insert evil pranksters name here] did.

Ed at 11:13 am

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I've sure that speech was emotional and involving, but its too long to read. So instead let me say that I will miss Miss. Gilmour's quality messages, and probably never see or speak to him again.

Ed at 7:23 pm
"In heaven there is beautiful music playing tonight."

Bon at 12:07 am

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

John Peel R.I.P - You will be sadly missed.

Sandman at 10:08 pm

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Just saw A V P at the flicks. Was average.

Bon at 9:58 pm

Saturday, October 23, 2004

W T F is A V P ?

Edit: Wait, I got it... Alien Versus Predator... *slaps forehead*

Bon at 10:51 pm
My flat mate thought it was a great idea to eat a hole chilli pepper, after which he threw up twice. Then our mate came round, who we convinced that we all had done it and he was a pussy if he didn't. Hes not looking good. And he's quite pissed off with us. Humourous.

Ed at 8:25 pm
Just saw A V P at le cine, twas quite a hoot!

Ed at 8:21 pm

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Well done Hazel for that thing she got in that big country in the west!

Ed at 6:31 pm

Monday, October 18, 2004


I blow. For. Diamond rings.

Bon at 2:31 am

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Audition - The most disturbing film I've ever seen.

"If you think you might have an idea about what happens, trust me, you don't" -
"The most disturbing film I've ever seen" - Ed Sadler

Ed at 1:17 am

Saturday, October 16, 2004

...But enough about that until a later date.
I was watching Jools Holland tonight, and this sweet looking (and very 1950s looking) lady started to sing a nice little tune, until I listened to the lyrics closer. They were about death, Jack The Rippper, and other nice things like that. Sample lyric follows:

"I'll chop off your head, you'll be a lighter person." - Guess who's off my christmas card list.

Ed at 1:15 am

Friday, October 15, 2004

Ed, thy saviour!

Bon at 10:36 pm
Just so Alex's face isn't all you see when you arrive...

Ed at 8:58 pm
Do I miss posting? Pretty much!

Ruomlig at 8:18 pm
Aren't clothes just annoying? You spend so much buying nice clothes to go out in, that you end up with no money to go out with and actually wear them!

Ruomlig at 8:11 pm
I'm sure that Simpsons DVD gets bigger every time I come on here!

Ruomlig at 8:09 pm
So to everyone who saw it and anyone else who has: Was the trailer for The Exorcist: The Beginning the biggest pile of shit ever!?! The start was a montage of clips from the obviously superior original, then a lot of attempts at scary moments from the new (and apparently not scary) film and then it played out to Mike Oldfield's legendary Tubular Bells, which they've been too cheap to get the rights to use in the new film! What a load of crap! What will they think of next!?!

Ruomlig at 8:00 pm
My sister wanted to get her tongue pierced and my mum said no and if she did she would be kicked out. Now this was good because I have been trying to get my sisters room for years. A few days after that conversation my sister went up lynn and got here tongue pierced and my mum said that she could stay if she didn't show it to her. I was looking forward to moving aswell :[

Sandman at 1:33 pm

Thursday, October 14, 2004

My flat mate has just bought this. Playing two player, with a set of bongo drums infront of each you is actually quite surreal and pretty mental. I haven't a fucking clue how, but Nintendo have managed to pursuade some decent bands to contribute to the fun, along with some classic game theme choons - all for your enjoyment - although your hands really start to hurt after a couple of tracks.

Ed at 10:08 pm
make a monster

Ed at 7:51 pm
Great quote from the afore-mentioned Red vs Blue episode:
Red Guy: "What the Samuel Helsinki happened here? There must have been an enormous battle! Hello! Is anyone ok? Are there any survivors?... Preferrably any red survivors... Don't let that discourage you from speaking up if you're blue... I won't step on your neck or anything like that!"

Bon at 3:51 pm
There's a new red vs blue movie just out. If you don't know what it is you should go check out the first and second series.

Sandman at 1:52 pm
Are you a Crime Inal? From the site linked to by Chalked, there are some really good (and seriously disturbing) movies. Salad fingers is just crazy.

Just really clever.

Ed at 10:43 am

Monday, October 11, 2004

Rodeohead - the best thing since... well, Radiohead.
How many songs can you pick out? That sounds far too much like a question from Vernon Kay's Headjam (weekdays, 7.00, BBC2).

Ed at 8:37 pm
Justin is excited

Shough at 6:27 pm

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Coming before Christmas apparently, and this all but confirms it:

I'm sure Justin will be excited by the picture, whilst John will be screaming over the fact that I've actually posted!

Ruomlig at 7:39 pm

Saturday, October 09, 2004

SO, my keyboard has a power button and when you press it............ ah crap.

Sandman at 11:59 pm
My new keyboard has a My Computer button. I bet yours doesn't...
Edit: My keyboard brings all the boys to the yard.
Edit 2: My keyboard brings all the girls to the yard.

Ed at 1:28 pm

Friday, October 08, 2004

That, my dear, depends on the size of the shoe.

Ed at 1:02 pm

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Sadler says jump.

Ed at 7:15 pm

Monday, October 04, 2004

I think we all need to sit down and blog more.

Sandman at 1:06 pm
That woMAN at work takes a size 9 shoe. I really think she was a man.

Sandman at 1:04 pm

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Why is 'Blog Of The Week' every week? Somebody loves themselves/their site! Although it is inarguably the best. However us attention grabbing mere mortals could do with the exposure.

Shough at 2:41 pm
This is my triumphant return to The Factory.

Shough at 2:36 pm

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