Monday, September 20, 2004

Bringing the tone up a little, Justin's out of hospital, and he's not dead either! Woot!

Bon at 11:56 pm

Thursday, September 16, 2004

I would personally pay more for one that lied down... it's easier.

Bon at 2:42 am
Hazel was the one who mentioned she had anal itching... I just recommended some cream for it.

Bon at 12:09 am

Monday, September 13, 2004

Just a little down-beat update for you; It appears Justin Justin Shough is actually quite ill. He was taken into King's Lynn hospital on Sunday morning after several days off work. He had been vomiting for 3 days running and had gained a yellow complexion. He's now on an intravenous drip due to dehydration from the vomiting, and he's had an x-ray, a couple of scans, and a blood test. Alex called me tonight and said the doctors want to keep him in hospital for several more days to see what's wrong with him. Unfortunately that's all I can tell you.

Bon at 11:35 pm
Well Alex has given up on the internet, Ed is still netless, Justin is ill, I'm bone idle, John has too many sites to worry about this one, Rey is moving so that leaves Safeway girl! Where is she? Also is she now to be known as Waitrose girl? Does anybody read this?

Sandman at 8:52 pm

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Day 14 of the unofficial Factory wormfeeder holiday in Skegness: Geebs shaved his belly yesterday in the living room, in front of the TV and an open patio door. 'Twas a sight to behold! Also, we've discovered that Ed is a culinary expert, and Muff can fart like no other man on earth!

Bon at 2:02 am

Sunday, September 05, 2004

It's true... I think I left my voice in Norfolk!

Bon at 9:46 pm

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Day one of the wormfeeder holiday: we arrived about 5p.m and went straight on the beer. Bex was first to be sick and has vowed never to drink again.... Or untill tonight :] we are now at the pool and all the lights now gone out and widespread panic has set in, hahaha. Also John has lost his voice :]

Sandman at 1:24 pm

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Holiday tomorrow - a whole week of alcohol abuse :] God bless my kidneys & liver.

Sandman at 10:11 pm
Blog you motherfuckers!

Bon at 7:49 pm

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