Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Woohoo! Next week, exactly three sevenths of TheFactory staff will be going on holiday.
Naturally this doesn't mean the blogging will stop, in fact quite the contrary... Taking into account the current level of blogging, I'm sure it will increase while we're away due to drunken moblogging from Butlins® in Skeggy™!
Mind you, I don't think we're going until Thursday or Friday.

Bon at 1:37 am

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Blogger Navbar is toooo easy to alter. Check out the links on TheFactory's NavBar.

Edit: I'll make it disappear altogether soon.

Bon at 3:04 pm

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Talkin of games (yeah, we were), if you've played Counter-Strike then you'll find this Flash thingy funny.

Bon at 3:25 am

Friday, August 13, 2004

I have just downloaded counter strike:source and am about to get the half-life2 beta and doom3. The wonders of broadband.

Sandman at 10:13 am

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I hate not having music at waitrose, i keep getting weird songs in my head like magical trevor and badger badger badger and the muppets theme. It's all getting too much.

Sandman at 10:06 am

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