Thursday, July 29, 2004

NEW! TheFactory stats c/o eXTReMe Tracking, just in case you give a crapola about who reads yo' ramblings.

Bon at 10:36 pm
Well it's been a week without ne posts so I thought I better do summut bout it. There seems to be a lack of postage cos there aint many factorians online at the mo.

Alex - Holiday [but prob only at home doin nout]
Ed - At home from uni so no net connection
Justin - Just back from holiday [with John] so should have loads of things to blog :?
Safeway girl - In America me thinks
John - Just back from holiday [with Justin] but seems to favour his site.
Rayhan - Busy runing Chalked and his site.
Me - Bone idle :]

I dont know why I am telling you this cos I doubt ne body else reads this except for the above.

Sandman at 9:28 am

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I could get used to [mo]blogging whilst on holiday. Yam blogged once (very disappointing) from Spain, and Alex completely evaded anything remotely technological in Yorkshire. I however would like to share my favourite holidayism with you all, so here it is: £2 for a glass of Baileys in the hotel bar. And by a glass I mean a full 300ml glass, not just a bit in the bottom. Adequate methinks, and now I'll sleep for twelve hours.

Bon at 11:38 pm
The future's bright, the future's Beachblogging™. All you need is a WAP-enabled mobile phone, Wapblogger, plenty of credit or a decent tariff, and some sun cream. Fucking sorted.
I hope this doesn't increase my geek rating btw.

Bon at 11:59 am

Sunday, July 18, 2004

TheFactory on Slowdown!!
(scroll down to Saturday, 17 July 2004)

Bon at 2:34 am

Thursday, July 15, 2004

I have just taken out all the cds from my car... All 57 of them. I really shouldn't leave them lying in there like that.

Sandman at 10:45 pm

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

And I thought I was the king of twisted humour! All hail the guy with the 1349 byte face!

Shough at 8:29 pm
I thought Gaza was a footballer.

hahahaha, i'm soooooo funny. :]

Sandman at 8:04 pm
All Killer No Filler

Shockingly, this picture is of several of the children [some as young as 10] who are @ a school/camp somewhere in Gaza who are being trained to fight the Palestinian cause, their day consists of only one lesson 'How to kill Israelis'. Unbelievably they train using live ammo. The camp is run by a group called the Popular Resistance Committee, which said the next generation of Palestinians needed to know how to fight the Israeli "occupation". The children even get to graduate at the end of their training, receiving a certificate from the camp commander. This is just one instance of the baffling and appalling things that happen that we are sometimes unaware of. Well I have 'Said my bit' and given The Factaroonie a new post, I just wish I could have written something with a less sadistic subject matter.

Shough at 6:59 pm

Saturday, July 10, 2004

He's right ya know.

Sandman at 3:26 pm

Friday, July 02, 2004

So, a new post! Yeah, i've got nothing.

Shough at 9:38 pm

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