Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I can't get the intro [Below] for Pete Yorn's second album (Day I Forgot) out of my head, no matter how hard I try or how few listens I give it.


I’ve seen the silence grow between us
And not to make this sound so hard
But all my troubles and my justice fades on such cold steel
I made up that story to change your mind
I could have been somebody else
But now I’m me this time.


Shough at 6:58 pm

Monday, June 28, 2004

She might be hinting that she is built like a bucket and that she wants you to fuck her.

I'm going to regret saying that.

Sandman at 9:25 pm
On an unrelated and slightly lighter note, Theresa's latest phrase to signify her disgust at something is "fuck a bucket".
How you fuck a bucket without doing permanent damage is beyond me.

Bon at 8:08 pm

Friday, June 25, 2004

on a more lighter note W&B anyone?

Sandman at 9:14 pm
"flip flop rub a dub"

Bon at 3:50 pm

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

"the notorious human-beaver hybrids and"

Shough at 6:08 pm
"ate pie all day with"

Bon at 4:02 pm
"dumbo, his estranged friend who" i haven't given up on this 5 word thing, i was giving other ppl a chance to continue the story.

Sandman at 10:31 am

Sunday, June 20, 2004

That's more than 5 words Muffett... You're breaking your own rules!

Bon at 11:09 pm
I just saw a great t-shirt: "bother" said pooh as he decides where to hide piglets corpse.

Sandman at 11:49 am

Friday, June 18, 2004

"from his family Fly decided"

Sandman at 3:35 pm
"a rival anti-socialist tribe."
I believe anti-socialist is one word, so I'll add another to make it five...


Bon at 1:38 pm
"Fly. He often killed little "

Bon at 1:11 pm
C'mon ppl, we need a bloging surge. Idea! 5 word story, rules - only 5 words can be added on 1 post & you can't post twice in a row. I will start the ball rolling "there was a elephant called "

Sandman at 11:06 am

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Nooooooooo!!! Anything but a post!

Shough at 7:32 pm

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Nooooooooo!!! Anything but a Skyline!

Bon at 3:55 am

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Download this curious short video (7MB MPEG) which SRF.STN described as "beautifull!!!!!"
Now, Alex, as you're new to broadband I'll tell you that a 7MB file will take around 2 minutes to download (2:16 for me), so have no fear!

Bon at 10:42 pm
Well, everyone moved out of the house today, but I got some random girl living with me now, who listens to a lot of System Of The Down and Terrorvision. "She could be a rapist" Andy suggested to me. I wish.

Ed at 1:28 pm

Friday, June 11, 2004


Sandman at 3:46 pm
My summer party was on last night, and this is how it went:
First up, the waltzers. Don't do it when you're drunk.
Next, Speedway. Don't do it when you're drunk. Not brilliant.
Then, Electric Soft Parade. Do this often. Quality.
Liberty X were next on the agenda, who were really good fun. They had their canes and everything. I was humming Just A Little Bit all night.
Lastly, British Sea Power. They rock like no-one else, the pick of the night, and they gave me a french stick to eat, and half a tree to carry around the rest of the night (which was taken off me by a bouncer) which gets my vote everytime.

Ed at 12:35 pm

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Watch him dance. [videos at bottom of page]

Sandman at 4:19 pm
So, Girls Aloud think they can not bother coming to our summer party? They think they can leave us with Liberty X instead? I think not. Whats that? They have already? Bitches!

Ed at 3:32 pm
The whole cherrie blair buying things on ebay fiasco i think is fake. Anyone could have a username like blair123 and then bid, win and pay for the goods and have them send it to 10 downing street (or are they in 9?). That could be a good idea. Lets buy cheapo crap and send it to celebrities. Imagine a box of porn turning up at downing street for tony.

Sandman at 9:56 am

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Test your PC!

Bon at 6:59 pm
Free Gmail invites!

Bon at 5:06 pm
Listen to Let Go by Frou Frou. Likeable.

Ed at 1:58 pm

Tuesday, June 08, 2004


Sandman at 7:22 pm
Woo I just won a prize from justin for my quick texting :]

Now if only I could sell it...

Sandman at 6:59 pm
A real life windows xp background.

Sandman at 5:55 pm

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Ed's hat <3

Bon at 1:38 am

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