Monday, May 31, 2004

I had an idea for a factory meet up. Ed said he has his house for a while and it should be quite empty so we could all go up there and also to alton towers.

Sandman at 10:51 am
Cajun Roasted Buffalo Wings.....I never knew buffalos could fly.

Ed at 12:52 am

Saturday, May 29, 2004

I knew it...

Ed at 5:05 pm
Your right Ed, I was born David Rodriguez-Dandelion Shough

Shough at 3:19 pm
Somehow I think one of those names on the left wasn't given at birth...

Ed at 11:56 am
Somebody help me, I'm being spontaneous!

Ed at 11:53 am

Friday, May 28, 2004

/me isn't dead

Bon at 11:53 pm
Well that was the last friends :[ and now we got poxy big brother. I think i may have to download all of the friends episodes... Only problem is that there's about 250 of them.

Sandman at 10:07 pm

Sandman at 4:03 pm

Thursday, May 27, 2004

No more exams! Year 2 of university is finished. Although exam retakes are predicted for August.

Ed at 5:41 pm

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

P P P Pickup a P P P Powerbook

Sandman at 3:49 pm

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

If you eat cheese before you go to bed you are meant to have nightmares, but cheese is made of milk and parents give children a glass of milk before bed.
Parents try to give their children nightmares!!!
Thats nice of them.

Sandman at 8:49 pm
Great news site (probably need fat band).

Ed at 5:27 pm

Monday, May 24, 2004

Hmmmm, thats a lot 'o e-mails

Sandman at 2:40 pm
Sorry to piss on your parade john but you forgot O2, so that makes 6 phone networks.

Sandman at 10:05 am
Christ, Blogger may be slow at publishing to sites via FTP (i.e., but hell it's superfast at publishing to BlogSpot! My last post published and showed up here in no more than 3 seconds!

Bon at 3:05 am
Ok... if Gmail rounds up then when you get to 995 MB, it will say you've used 100%, therefore robbing you of 5 MB!
Kinda funny that that 5 MB is 2.5 times more than the entire space you get with Hotmail...

Bon at 3:01 am

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Since when is 15 2% of 1000?

Bon at 11:06 pm

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Wher art thou Safeway Girl?

Shough at 8:27 pm

A computer emoticon! I bet there is an emoticon for every situation in life:

A Doctor: I'm sorry Mr Davies your wife has been diagnosed with every disease ever known to us, she will die

Mr Davies: ///

Any situation! So, you have no idea how long it took me to get all the links sorted!

Shough at 8:13 pm
I have now made my peace with Blogger and no longer mind the new changes. After all, nobody likes change. We should be thankful Blogger is here at all, and also that it isn't charging us for it's service(s). Why do I feel like I'm preaching? Praise the Blog! He will forgive your sins! Etc.

Shough at 8:07 pm
I work in/@ A/The Factory. Yet I don't spend 8 hours a day producing things in a building with you others, working like slaves to earn minimum wage and respect. Why?

Shough at 8:04 pm

Friday, May 21, 2004

Banana Phone is, well, funny.

Ed at 7:30 pm

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Hours of fun

Sandman at 8:15 pm

Saturday, May 15, 2004

It really is that crap.

Bon at 4:46 pm
Since blogger changed its layout less ppl are posting.

Sandman at 10:11 am
Why doesn't egg taste like chicken?

Sandman at 10:06 am

Thursday, May 13, 2004

How many roadkills does it take to change a lightbulb? Answers on a bloogle.

Sandman at 10:27 pm
I'm sure she used to be a he.

Sandman at 10:18 pm
Damn fecking cold.

Sandman at 10:16 pm

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

It is a perfect day for punching birds!

Ed at 3:41 pm
I havent laughed so much in ages whilst playing that Boohbah zone thing from jb

Ed at 12:06 pm

Saturday, May 08, 2004

And you may not have died until you have fallen over in the shower. Sentance.

Bon at 3:53 pm
They are making a sequel to oceans 11, guess what they are calling it? oceans 12. How original is that? They must of spent hours coming up with that 1. A team of typing monkeys could do better.

Sandman at 11:45 am
The Bear got thrown out of the union in record time last night, he didn't even get the stamp on the hand! Approx. 5.6 seconds after entering, he was sick and got the boot!
Incidentally, I have got the worst hangover in my life, and I just fell over in the shower.

Ed at 11:34 am

Friday, May 07, 2004

Sam was talking about lesbians today and asked if I enjoy watching lesbians 'at it', Kinda weird as she was saying this in the warehouse full of people, she's such a 'classy bird'.

Sandman at 10:14 am

Thursday, May 06, 2004

The most users ever on my site was 9 some time last week!

Bon at 11:01 pm
That must be a record, 4 ppl all on johns site at the same time.

Sandman at 10:47 pm
I can remember mall doing the pizza deliveries when it was the holy roll.

Sandman at 10:46 pm
Has any one got a pen? I feel I need to write this all down...

Ed at 7:33 pm
I too, like John, have a internet routine. So anyone who comes into my room at the right moment will see me go through all of our websites in a certain order. Which means that my housemate Carl has read some of the sites, a few times. I was still quite surprised when he came into my room today and said that he had a dream about Hazel being a cult leader in Australia, who was based in Harolds cafe in neighbours. Strange.

Ed at 4:17 pm

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I'm only guessing here, but judging by the domain name and the links within the site, might just belong to someone we all know...

Bon at 1:28 pm
Insert witty remark about johns eye here, then feel bad and sympathyse with him, then issue an apology due to a) witty remark not being funny b) actually being quite scary.

Sandman at 5:51 am

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Wahoo! One of mates recognised my hat sitting in the union cafe on Saturday night, and gave it to me today! All previous accusations are now retracted.

Ed at 12:29 pm

Monday, May 03, 2004

Diamonds are forever

Shough at 8:51 pm
I just tryed some of my home brewed beer from the set that John F. got me for my birthday. It's actually quite nice, so tonight will be the first night of getting pissed on my own beer.

Ed at 1:14 pm

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Justin does like Hoobastank. I would know, I am him. The Gold star is greatly appreciated, are we going to take turns keeping this so called star made of Gold? If so I want it to start off with then i'm sure it will go missing and never be seen again.

Shough at 4:36 pm

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Shiver me timbers? Wtf does that mean?

Sandman at 12:53 pm
Last night a tragic, tragic thing happened. My hat got stolen out of my back pocket in the union. I'm looking at you Rey...

Ed at 11:51 am
Cow* told me to take a stack of bread off of the shop floor before the area manager saw it, only problem was that the area manager was behind her as she told me to do it yet she still expected me to do it. Stupid bitch. *annoying member of management.

Sandman at 10:01 am

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