Friday, April 30, 2004

Tell me Gilmour... who is this "Alex" you are referring to?

Bon at 9:27 pm
What have I missed? ;)

Shough at 6:55 pm
Arrgh! After that last post, Hazel's picture changed to a big mouth! Now I know what everyone else was on about!

Ed at 6:31 pm
Muf, do you remember going to see Slackers at the cinema? That bloke from that is in/used to be in Phantom Planet.

Ed at 6:29 pm
I doubt any of you are interested in this but it's worth a shot.

Sandman at 4:07 pm

Thursday, April 29, 2004

To get rid of that search bar all you have to do is go into your program files and delete a lovely folder called mysearch And hey presto it is gone.

Sandman at 10:17 am
welcome to the blank void that is safeisontrose.

Sandman at 10:16 am
I'm sure its the biggest gob in the world. Unless you're proud of it, then it is the biggest gob in the world.

Anyway, I had a dream last night that Alex and I went to see Hazel at university, and she started fires and set off alarms all over her campus! Analysis on a postcard...

Ed at 10:08 am

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Me and my housemates had the best waterfight in the history of humanity, soaking everything, including all the wallpaper and expensive paintings around the house, and totally drenching The Bear fully. Quality.

Ed at 11:48 pm
Yes Hazel, he's stalking you whilst wearing a wedding dress!

Bon at 10:47 pm
Tonight, Andy and I are going to attempt to make a Guinness and Chocolate Birthday Cake that we got the recipe for in the post this morning. I'm sure it will taste lovely. Yeah right.

Ed at 4:48 pm
Thats weird I was about to post the exact same link.

Sandman at 4:17 pm
She might even be a Human-Beaver hybrid.

Sandman at 3:34 pm
I'm sure colin's mum uses polish instead of deodorant.

Sandman at 3:04 pm
Btw Muff you owe me £20 which I'd forgotten about which you kindly reminded me about on Monday.

Bon at 12:22 pm
Btw Justin you still owe me for my modem and for fixing your pc on more than 1 occasion.

Sandman at 10:35 am
Oooo.... I invite my sister cos she is going out with fon so it's kinda hard to invite your mate but not his girlfriend/my sister. I'm sure nobody has a problem with them coming out with us anyway. Plus she buys me beer ;]

Sandman at 10:31 am

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Also, thanks again for everything you did on my computer!

Hehmahahahahahaha! Err...

Shough at 10:48 pm
Also, it's a capital "J" Bwahahahahaha!

Shough at 10:47 pm
Harsh words from such a square face. Surely us meeting up (The Factory People Only) would also be hampered by your need to bring your sister everywhere*

*Yes Everywhere.

The ante has been upped! Moooowahahahahahaha!

Shough at 10:47 pm
Well there wasn't much chance of us all meeting up anyway cos justin never leaves his house [except for work]. I think I may have to settle for a messenger meeting. If only you were all in me contacts.

Sandman at 8:13 pm
So with Rey now being a fully fledged member of TheFactory, Muffett's life long dream of gathering the whole lot of us together is a looking ever so slightly less viable.
Rey lives in Hull, see...

Bon at 7:51 pm
I would if I had some money on it, but with a fish, thats taking it too far!

Ed at 6:37 pm

Monday, April 26, 2004

Don't threaten me with a dead fish!

Ed at 10:00 pm
Never liked Blue Peter. Although having a badge would have earned respect points in the dinner queue at school.

Ed at 5:15 pm

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Justin, I assure you that dressing up as an ostrich is much easier and far more entertaining than pronouncing it.
You might even win a medal...

Bon at 3:02 am

Saturday, April 24, 2004

I can't even pronounce Ostriches let alone dress up as one

Shough at 11:46 pm
I sense that someone has done something that is like the forbidden fruit Adam tasted! John! Meddler! Ah who cares.

Shough at 11:44 pm
Coming soon to Blokes Dressed As Ostriches Sports Day!

Bon at 9:36 pm
Okay there are six, but I almost fooled you!

Shough at 9:10 pm
Can you find the ten hidden Milky bars?

Shough at 9:09 pm

Do I really look like him? No is the answer you are looking for.

Shough at 9:06 pm
Since when did Ed give Public Notices?

Shough at 9:01 pm
Public Notice; The Factory: Not MSN Messenger.

Ed at 8:59 pm
Hehmahahahaha! Shough-Gilmour are dominating The Factory

Shough at 8:57 pm
Jesus was overated like The Beatles. Ha just kidding Alex Drillmore

Shough at 8:55 pm
That's it.

Shough at 8:51 pm
Seth MacFarlane has been quoted saying the next season of Family Guy will be "bigger than Jesus"

Shough at 8:50 pm
Me thinks a frenzy of posting indeed

Shough at 8:45 pm
H'actually I read it. I didn't hear a thing.

Shough at 8:41 pm
Wayne Rooneyaroonie is a good footballer. Oh how long have I wanted to say that.

Shough at 8:40 pm
Ha ha! My head is on top! But...for how long?

Shough at 8:39 pm
And the award for Most Consecutive Posts On TheFactory Ever goes to Alex on November 16, 2003... 6 in a row just because he wanted his evil face to cover the whole page!

Bon at 5:01 pm
Anyone remember Whizzball?!

Bon at 4:48 pm
I've got to say, I love Hazels handwiriting, possibly the best since the creator of Garfield.

Ed at 11:17 am
Funny thing last night. Clicky.

Ed at 11:11 am

Friday, April 23, 2004

The last episode of the third series of Six Feet Under was shown on channel 4 last night. God I love that show. Lisa died, Nates lost it, Ruths married, and Davids happy etc, etc....It affects me deeply.

Ed at 2:16 pm
They would probably sue you for copyright and make you hack off the tattooed limb.

Sandman at 1:35 pm

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Microsoft is bad would make a great tattoo.

Ed at 7:45 pm
I'm sure we weren't this excited when we all got hotmail accounts.

Ed at 5:16 pm

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Yeah, gmail is great. It's amazing, and I am one of a select few to use it. Actually, it's nothing special really. Apart from the 1 Gig storage and cool ability to search through emails like searching for a web site. I'm done gloating anyway.

Shough at 6:16 pm

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

TheFactory - 25% Extra Free!

Bon at 5:52 pm

Monday, April 19, 2004

I've just lost the urge to get my own website.

Ed at 3:27 pm
I've just got the urge to get my own website.

Ed at 3:27 pm
Finally my 5 things [it aint worth the wait]: [1] - school, i would go back and actually revise for my exams, also school life was so easy cos we did sod all. [2] - watch kill bill in the cinema without falling asleep. [3] - look around for my first car instead of buying the first one i saw. [4] - not to of gone and wasted a year of my life working in GD and to of gone and done something better like further education. [5] - to of done a better shorter list of my 5 things to do again and to of done it last week.

Sandman at 10:08 am

Sunday, April 18, 2004

I like how John's abandoned any responsibility by putting wormfeeder as mine and muf's website. Hehe.

Ed at 1:43 pm
Welcome Rey. Suggestion: I'll swap my hat for your iPod.

Ed at 1:42 pm
Welcome to the factory Mr Rey. Mr john..... 5a.m is too early to message ppl you cave dwelling hobbit.

Sandman at 6:52 am
OMG the gal has a "The Onion" daily calendar thing! Me wants!

Bon at 1:57 am
Cos penises (penii?) are well important. More importanter that vaginas (vaginii?).

Bon at 1:21 am
And out of the 4 people here who work at Safeway, SafewayGirl isn't one of them... :S

Bon at 1:19 am
Muffett is gonna get the sack if he doesn't do his "five things" soon...

Bon at 12:47 am
OK everyone, welcome TheFactory's newest member, Rey!
Just because no-one knows him (except me) doesn't mean he's some kind of social recluse though... he's just a troubled boy trying to make some friends out in the big wide world.
* Group hug! *

Bon at 12:44 am

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I can do many a pose, if any club books are looking for a model just look my way.
I think I might change my name to Mr Swarve.

Sandman at 11:11 pm
From: Wormfeeder UK (Merchandise Dept)
To: Safeway Girl
Re: Comment at 3:01 AM today

Dear Ms Girl,

Free, limited edition silver stickers?
What a bargain.
However I believe you may wait for up to a year for them.

I believe your comment is referring to the fact that you have waited since March 2003 for a pack of official stickers to be sent to you. We understand that this must be very distressing and possibly even inconvenient to you, but due to a very outdated order processing infrastructure and an altogether lack of manpower, your order was not dealt with as quickly and efficiently as it could have been.
Wormfeeder Inc has recently invested several pounds in a new state of the art A4 Jotter Pad, which will be at the forefront of our future ventures. We hope that within the coming weeks this will aid our ability to process orders for stickers, of which there has already been a significant influx.
Please accept our sincerest apologies, and we hope that you will be pleased with your stickers which we can promise will be treated as prioroty by our Postage Dept, and delivered to you very shortly.

Yours Sincerely, on behalf of Wormfeeder UK,
John Blackbourn.

Bon at 1:39 pm

Friday, April 16, 2004

Oh I blogged that without reading Alex's post first...
Never mind, mine was put better.

Bon at 12:54 am
Steven Garfunkel Muffett, why haven't you blogged your "Five things you'd most like to do for the first time again" yet?
You're the only member of TheFactory family who hasn't...

Bon at 12:50 am

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

1 more thing I would do for the first time again if I had the chance:

Get lost after seeing Feeder with Alex and stumble upon the Amazon factory.

Shough at 10:24 pm
The 5 things I would probably do for the first time again if I had the chance (which I won't):

1. First kiss
2. Ride a bike (And not fall off)
3. Play Metal Gear Solid from start to finish
4. Last day at school
5. Listen to A Rush Of Blood To The Head

Shough at 9:39 pm

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

My five things I'd like to do for the first time again (see Ed's post below):

1. Play Half-Life.
2. Watch The Shawshank Redemption.
3. Kiss a girl.
4. Take my Fiat Croma out for a test drive.
5. Launch

Oh wait, haven't done that last one yet....

Bon at 6:18 pm
Interesting concept: What five things would you want to do for the first time again? Me:

1. Say Fuck.
2. Listen to There, There by Radiohead.
3. See the T-Rex in Jurassic Park.
4. Get drunk.
5. Get a wage packet for a hard days work.

Ed at 1:23 pm
Note to self: If you want to get into a club, do not abuse the bouncer and then fall over and wiggle around on the floor.

Ed at 12:05 pm

Monday, April 12, 2004

And it was right under your nose on wormfeeder all along!...

Bon at 4:22 pm
Weyhey found this finally!!

Sandman at 3:55 pm
Why do we give eggs at easter? What do eggs have to do with the death of jesus? Why are they made of chocolate? Whats the point of the easter bunny... Rabbits don't even lay eggs. Happy easter.

Sandman at 10:02 am

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Might aswell go with the flow.

Sandman at 12:45 am

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Just in case you lot don't understand and even though you may not care, that is a colossal amount of lovely tasty memory that the Muffster has purchased. I am verging on being almost jealous.

Bon at 10:58 pm

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Looky looky what I just bought.
Only problem is you lot probably wont understand and probably dont care.

Sandman at 7:33 pm

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Who's the fool now? Bwahahaahaha! Me yeah?

Shough at 7:25 pm
Yes I know! I meant Brittany. Havent you seen it's Magnificient beaches?

Shough at 7:24 pm

Monday, April 05, 2004

See you next month!

Shough at 11:59 pm
Did that make sense?

Shough at 11:58 pm
By the way I was wrong! Elisha Cuthbert is hotter than Brittany. But only just. it's not like one of us would turn one down for the other...even Safeway girl!

Shough at 11:58 pm
To the Muff-Meister: Yes, many bells are ringing! The ones in my ear cos someone just shouted in em.

Shough at 11:55 pm
Boredom kills

Sandman at 1:26 am
Wayhay i hear that spanky's in back soon so that means the factory can all finally meet up.

Sandman at 1:15 am
So chris is going out with watty's ex, someone called kayleigh.... Hmm does this name ring any bells? Justin?

Sandman at 1:08 am

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I want one of these.

Sandman at 5:15 pm
I'm being slowly brainwashed into christianity. First, I'm forced (sort of) to go and see The Passion Of The Christ, and tonight I'm going to watch a christian rock band playing at uni.

God bless y.....ahh, crap.

Ed at 12:54 pm
It appears that adobe don't like johns site, my wap of joins site said that they had taken it offline cos he "stole" their feather logo. I'm sure i remember some sort of disclaimer. Then again this could be an april fools gag. Seems to complex for that tho.

Sandman at 11:06 am

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