Sunday, February 29, 2004

Ok people I'm in the process of producing a template for TheFactory which will make it no less than epic. You will be overjoyed when it's done, but please excuse any mess you may come across while the work is in progress.

Bon at 1:48 am

Thursday, February 26, 2004

I need 2 new tyres to pass me MOT, the problem is they cost £50 EACH!!!

Thats it, no more wheelspins, till winter that is but I should have a new car by then. YAY

Sandman at 4:08 pm

Also, happy birthday John! I had a few (!) drinks in your honour yesterday.

Ed at 2:56 pm

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Um..... well I was kinda expecting something

Sandman at 5:43 pm

Bon at 1:44 am

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Muffins from Morrisons have so many more chocolate chips in them compared to Safeways.

Ed at 6:26 pm

Monday, February 23, 2004

I got a face

Sandman at 4:24 pm

Sunday, February 22, 2004

You are faceless Muffett.
There are no pictures of your face in existence!

Bon at 9:55 pm
How come I don't have a face?

Sandman at 2:47 pm

Sandman at 2:44 pm
My mum just told me I look like I have just stepped out of a caravan.

Shough at 12:45 pm
My picture isn't technically new is it John? It's just a part of the old picture that's been cropped isn't it? I know i'm right.

Shough at 12:42 pm
2 Numbers and the bonus ball is not acceptable.

Shough at 12:41 pm

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Everyone, this is Alex when he was just 5 years old with a breast on his head.

Bon at 9:39 pm
It looks like I'm singing with great feeling and passion.

Ed at 9:32 pm
What kind of ugly man-beast is my picture?

Ed at 9:24 pm
Poor pictures all round then.

Shough at 8:27 pm
New pics all round. Except Muffett.

Bon at 8:23 pm
Has anyone ever stood on the edge of a cliff or mountain standing next to someone and thought about pushing them over?

Shough at 7:26 pm
I am going to win the Lotto tonight
I am going to win the Lotto tonight
I am going to win the Lotto tonight
I am going to win the Lotto tonight
I am going to win the Lotto tonight
I am going to win the Lotto tonight
I am going to win the Lotto tonight
I am going to win the Lotto tonight
I must win the Lotto tonight

Shough at 7:11 pm
This is what you'll get
This what you'll get
This is what you'll get
When you mess with us

Shough at 7:06 pm
Sure. Whatever.

Bon at 6:43 pm
I'm ashamed of all of you! Whatever happend to truly great posts on this truly great site? All we have now is lewd homosexual comments from Alex, Muffett saying he wants a new job, me asking people what their fetishes are and nothing from Ed. We do however have the sometimes contraversial "relationship" between John and Safeway girl keeping things ticking over. I propose we have a "The Factory" day/week where we only post on here and not on our own home pages. It is really what this site needs.

Shough at 6:38 pm

Friday, February 20, 2004

I'll be your cookie safeway girl ;)

Bon at 11:21 pm

Thursday, February 19, 2004

I woke up this morning with lipstick on my cheek.

Bon at 10:45 pm
Yes I am a perfume smelling whore and I have found myself a nice young lady who comes in the PFS every night to top up her phone who smells very nice indeed and I think she likes looking at me.

Bon at 3:43 am

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

that pays very well for doing nout. I might have to donate my body to medical science, then again that could be bad, then again.... NURSES (female ones of course)

Sandman at 7:48 pm
Shall I join the PFS posse?
Only if I get to work mornings, Theresa hates her job so it is up to Justin and John to push her over the edge (of a cliff preferably) and I will reign victorious, untill we get taken over and shut down. :[

Sandman at 7:45 pm
Pointless eh... well my mate had 24 wheatabix for tea the other night.
Thats more random than pointless, but content's content.

Sandman at 7:39 pm

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Quality new cartoon from the creators of that other cartoon.

Ed at 2:44 pm

Saturday, February 14, 2004

I like frogs.

Ed at 10:27 pm

Friday, February 13, 2004

While we are on the topic of fetishes...What other fetishes do people have? Presumably ones far too twisted to talk about on here? I thought so.

Shough at 7:26 pm
You gotta love pretty much anything by HUGO BOSS. Hell yeah.

Shough at 7:24 pm
It's not a fetish it's an unhealty obsession.

Bon at 6:05 pm
I'm a sucker for sweet sweet perfume.
No, not for myself, I mean when laydeez come in the PFS wearing it, and it lingers for half hour after they've gone.
So all you sexually attractive young women who are reading this right now (I'm sure there are lots of you), please come in the PFS soon and wear loads of sweet sweet perfume. I will like that a lot and I may even marry you for it.
Very Valentino is a favourite by the way.

Bon at 1:34 am

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Alex Gilmour is dead. Let us never speak of him again!

Bon at 12:27 am

Sunday, February 08, 2004

I have the internet in my room!

Ed at 7:27 pm

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Its too much information about Ian and his antics as a child John, too much! I am mentally scared!

Shough at 12:03 am

Monday, February 02, 2004

Happy Birthday John

Shough at 11:53 pm
's Dad!

Shough at 11:52 pm
Happy birthday John's dad!

N.B. Whats N.B. mean?

Sandman at 3:08 pm
Happy birthday John's dad!

N.B. Ed? Not evil.

Ed at 1:03 pm

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