Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Anybody want a phone?

On the same note I have just bought diablo in original big box for the pc for an amazing 1p! Pitty about the £2.50 postage.

Sandman at 8:43 pm
Justin Shough-Stating the obvious since 1984

Shough at 7:07 pm
He's Alive!

Shough at 7:06 pm
My life since Christmas:
Exams: Went well.
Cinema: Last Samurai - The Return Of The who?
Drinking: Going very well.
Finances: Not going very well.
Spending: I found Amazon.
Activities: I've decided to become a pool hustler.
Weather: Its snowing!
Politics: Long live Tony Blair.

Ed at 6:49 pm
Ed Sadler: Not Dead.

Ed at 6:48 pm
I only kill vampires

Sandman at 6:00 pm

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Who's dead?
And AGM is an Annual General Moaning.

Bon at 11:36 pm

Sandman at 11:11 pm
A.G.M = Aaaaarrrgggg Gigantic Monsters

Sandman at 11:10 pm
Bring on the vampires

Sandman at 7:53 pm

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Hppy brthdy Jstn Shgh! Twnty tdy!

Bon at 6:23 pm

Saturday, January 24, 2004

TheFactory A.G.M. is on Sunday, 7pm, at Justin's place. Bring a bottle. And a sister for Justin.

Bon at 2:59 am
Dirty girl! Are we gonna get pics of this toothpaste covered frontage though? Unlikely.
It would make a better avatar than a black and white pic with fake glasses drawn on... hint hint...

Bon at 2:53 am

Thursday, January 22, 2004

I'm an alien? Shit.
Better not tell Anna-Maria.

Bon at 11:47 pm

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

We have a ship? All those years wasted trying to phooone hoooome.

Shough at 10:57 pm

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

ULTIMATE SPOILER:Aliens do infact exist and they are among us now.

Shough at 11:41 pm

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Yeah I could ruin the film Paycheck for you Alex. But it ain't that great really, so I won't go on about it.

Bon at 11:49 pm

Friday, January 16, 2004

Just completed XIII and all I can say is that the ending is.... well, it's shit! all it does is say "to be continued.." and the answer to "Who is number I" they don't tell you even tho at the end he is staring you in the face. Basically all they have done left the tbc ending so you have to buy the next sodding one.
It's good tho.

Sandman at 2:41 pm

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

We are the Wormfeeder generation!

Bon at 11:43 pm
When you work out where to draw the line, your guess is as good as mine.

Bon at 11:42 pm

Sunday, January 11, 2004

So if mine and Shough's plans go to, err, plan, the Life Is Work DVD box set (with bonus disc of out-takes, profiles of the writers and alternate endings) will hit the shelves before 2005!

Bon at 1:55 am
TheFactory - Fun for all the family! (Except kids, old people, middle aged people, and the dead.)

Bon at 12:59 am
Did Safewaygirl just streak? I missed it!!

Bon at 12:54 am

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Chris thinks Hazel is ugly. Looks like all links john has to his site will be gone.

Sandman at 6:01 pm

Thursday, January 08, 2004

sharing/stealing it's all the same.

Shough at 7:40 pm
The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

Possibly better the second time because you can relax a little more. Although the edge is taken off it because you know whats going to happen...unless you remember nothing of the day before today and every day before that. Like me.

Shough at 7:36 pm
Also Safeway girl didn't turn up. But did we really expect her to? Well no. John probably hoped though.

Shough at 7:34 pm
For the record i was sharing the duck pond joke, not claiming it.

Sandman at 10:21 am
TheFactory New Year's party was a real hoot! There was drinking, singing, dancing and cavorting. There were strippers, bands, DJs and clowns. The new year was seen in by everyone there except the physically sick.
Many thanks to Ed for hosting the event at his abode! The only person who didn't turn up was Alex because apparently he was "too busy".

Bon at 2:39 am
Quote of the month for this premier comment:
"Thank goodness for ducks. Without them, our ponds would be full of bread."
goes to Techie Blob, and not Steven Muffett. You thief.

Bon at 2:16 am

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Muffet why don't YOU say anything anymore? Your last post was taken straight from B3TA.COM. Unless you are "Techie Blob"

Shough at 10:57 pm
The ponds themselves probably wouldn't be there.

Shough at 10:54 pm
Thank goodness for ducks.
Without them, our ponds would be full of bread.

Sandman at 3:02 pm

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

"wicked footy training a lift back with whittaker... and the sex was amazing...hes a darkhorse!!! "

-Chris Genn. Is there something your not telling us mate?

Shough at 11:51 pm
How rude

Shough at 11:49 pm

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