Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Excalibur By David Brent

I froze your tears and made a dagger
And stabbed it in my cock forever
It stays there like Excalibur
Are you my Arthur?
Say you are

Take this cool, dark, steel-ed blade
steal it
sheath it in your lake
I'd drown with you to be together
Must you breathe?
Cos I need heaven

Shough at 11:07 pm

Shough at 10:52 pm

Monday, December 29, 2003

"I'm coming up so you better get the party started, shamone! I'm coming up i'm coming...ooh I hope not! I'm in the Pink, get it?"

David Brent.

Shough at 11:30 pm

Thursday, December 25, 2003

It's Chriiiiistmaaaaas!!

Bon at 12:19 am

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Where is my Feeder shirt and cd's I ordered ages ago? I'm looking at you Gilmour, you thief!

Shough at 10:42 pm
I want to get in the Safeway protective suit again and run around and catch things on the top of it. It's good exercise and super fun to watch and laugh.

Shough at 10:39 pm
Sorry I tried and failed to make a really good post. This site is dammed to hell. Especially with Safeway Girl leaving.

Shough at 10:34 pm
I really want to put a really good post on here. with the word really in it really loads of times. How really good would that post be. Really good is the answer.

Shough at 10:32 pm

Thursday, December 18, 2003

The Lord Of The Rings - The Return Of The King. Fuck yeah.

Ed at 1:21 pm

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Handman is back.

Sandman at 4:07 pm

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Radiohead on Radio One last night were awesome. Played Fog. Always wanted to hear that live, and was impressed when they did. Follow me around aswell, wicked.

Ed at 7:33 pm
Eye balls godammit! Eye balls not balls!

Bon at 7:26 pm

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Dear Father Christmas, I have been a very good girl/boy and, if you're not too busy, I would very much like to find in my Christmas stocking: Miss World 2003.

Shough at 7:25 pm
Write an episode of Life Is Work now John! And everything else you said you would do but haven't.

Shough at 7:23 pm

Monday, December 08, 2003

John at 12:36 AM

Bon at 12:36 am
So I just wrote a shit load of stuff for Dead At Twenty, then decided it was crap so I deleted it. Then I decided it was really crap so I emptied my Recycle Bin.

Bon at 12:34 am

Friday, December 05, 2003

Dear Father Christmas, I have been a very good girl/boy and, if you're not too busy, I would very much like to find in my Christmas stocking: Mark's severed legs.

Bon at 10:23 pm

Thursday, December 04, 2003

10am, Wednesday 17th December. Lord Of The Rings - The Return Of The King. Yes.

Ed at 9:59 pm

Wednesday, December 03, 2003


Ed at 1:01 pm

Ed at 1:01 pm
Crimbo party = no.
Newyears party = yes.
At the mo all of the factory staff are going, all except ms safeway girl.

Sandman at 11:47 am
WOW. Lego gone cool.

Sandman at 11:46 am

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Sorry, shouldn't have one.

Ed at 9:15 pm
I think we should have a TheFactory staff christmas party.

Ed at 9:13 pm
He he....he he ha ha ha... ha ha ha HA HA HA.. HA HA HA HO HA HAA HAA HAA... no.

Sandman at 6:46 pm

Monday, December 01, 2003

I'm a handy kinda guy

Sandman at 8:58 pm
I wouldn't buy any meat based products off Roadkill if I were you , especially burgers.

Sandman at 8:58 pm
I will only join your band if I can have a wobble board.

Sandman at 8:56 pm
They all thought I was mad......
they were right.

"Tie me kangaroo down sport,
tie me kangaroo down."

Sandman at 8:54 pm

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