Sunday, November 30, 2003


Bon at 10:54 pm

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Harry Hill = Sporadically Funny But Generally Predictable.

Bon at 11:43 pm

Friday, November 28, 2003

Harry Hill = Chump

Shough at 10:43 pm
Who saw "Harry Hills TV burp"? If you missed it shame on you, you missed 'Ze Office'. Basically the dance in 'the Office' by David Brent was reenacted by Harry Hill dressed as Hitler.

It was funny at the time.

Sandman at 7:46 pm
do, do, doo, dede, de, de. Lala, la, la, la, la. Honk.

Ed at 2:24 pm
Nokia Predictive Text throws up some funny words now and then. If you try to type hibernating it comes up with giafsmating instead.

Bon at 12:52 am
If you want me I'll be banning smoking in public.

Bon at 12:43 am

Thursday, November 27, 2003

You mean these.
They are ok but the real Weebl and Bob are better. p.s. new ep

Sandman at 9:31 pm

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Radiohead - yes, yes, yes.

Ed at 2:31 pm

Monday, November 24, 2003

Michael Jacksons monkey? Or them soapy bastards that sting when they go in your eye?

Sandman at 4:22 pm

Saturday, November 22, 2003

If anyone wants me, ill be in Neverland.

Shough at 9:09 pm
We remain but children? Don't tell Michael Jackson that!

Shough at 9:04 pm
This site is in dire need of something worthwhile. Safeway Gurls face is no longer enough, maybe hardcore porn is the answer? Oh you already tried that one John. Arf.

Shough at 8:59 pm
You mother-fucker. How could you possibly say Life is Work was poorer because you we're the main one in it, it makes no sense what so ever. Anyway you will hardly be in the next one, so looks like everyone will be happy. Moooooowahahahahahha.

Shough at 8:57 pm
How old will we be when we blog for the last time?

Shough at 8:53 pm
Insert "Anything" here.

Shough at 8:52 pm
Sleeping in a room with 4 other men and a woman.

Bon at 2:40 am

Thursday, November 20, 2003

TheFactory - I suppose you could call it Blog Central.

Bon at 11:03 pm

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I live in a 5 bedroom house. Tonight there will be 22 people sleeping here.

Ed at 11:44 am
But I do! Wapish!

Ed at 11:43 am

Monday, November 17, 2003

Today at work I consumed a bag of Safeway salt and vinegar crisps which contained 4.5 grams of salt, came home and had a microwave meal (not quite the "epic" meal I had predicted John) with much'o salt on then ate a bag of Walkers salt and shake crisps. Surely I will die of a salt overdose, I can almost feel my heart struggling to go on. Must post this first...............

Shough at 11:41 pm
miniscule penis's? big hairy bollocks? could this site be any less twisted.

More, I mean more. MORE.

Shough at 11:38 pm
Safeway girl has just gone to bed so it's now safe for me to type this. Well it's not really, but heck I'm gonna type it anyway.
I've just made a new wallpaper of her with a penis. Hence the penis searching on Google. Hope she likes it.

Bon at 3:31 am

Sunday, November 16, 2003

"dude... i just made it into life is work. i feel about as honoured as they come. woot. " Safeway Gurl. 2003-11-16 3:02 a.m.

Other people read it? I too feel about as honoured as they come. Woot, woot. Infact if Jesus walked into the room right now and said what a legend I was I would probably be less honoured.

Shough at 11:23 pm
Yeah, but what is normal?

Shough at 11:20 pm
Ed you should really put surnames on the list of people that make you laugh, I mean muff that could be anyone!

NOTE: I am not actually being serious in this post and should not be taken the wrong way. i.e. if I we're to say Alex is fucking annoying bastard with a really poor site, i'd be telling the truth but if I we're to say he wasn't annoying and had a legendary site-then that would be me being not serious.

NOTE2: Alex is a legend. A best friend and has a good site.

NOTE3: Please look at this pen shaped object I stole off Will Smith while it flashes, and you will have no memory of ever reading this post.

Shough at 11:18 pm
We need a picture of ed's tits and some other tits to compare to, just to see if he really does have the nicest tits. swgirl?

Sandman at 4:01 pm
I love funny people. They make me laugh. These include (in alphabetical order) Alex, Anji, Bear, Becky, Bon, Bradders, Charlotte, Fon, Gandy, Hazel, Jeebes, Justin, Muf, Paddy, Rich, Steve, Tom.

Ed at 2:46 pm

Saturday, November 15, 2003

If Alex gets more pleasure out of sarcasm than an orgasm, then I feel sorry for Fleur!!

Bon at 11:39 pm
Blimey. Bit of a productive day today.
I've tweaked TheFactory layout so it's nice and nice. I've added an entire new section to I've been to work and worked some. And I've downloaded about 15 mp3s since lunchtime.

Bon at 10:51 pm
Episode 23

Shough at 9:53 pm

Bon at 5:32 pm

Friday, November 14, 2003

I therefore have a very large brain. Bonus. But it is made of paper. Minus.

Bon at 11:04 pm
Well if the photos are anything to go by that makes me a giant hand. Woot!

Sandman at 8:51 pm

Thursday, November 13, 2003

This might look a bit shit now, but it's work in progress. Tomorrow it will look admirable to the point of impressive.

Bon at 9:23 pm
You're a pair of singing nancy boys.

Bon at 5:39 pm

Sandman at 3:53 pm
Why do birds suddenly appear, everytime, you are near.....?

Ed at 1:40 pm

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Reasons for me not wanting a foursome with Ed Muffett and Hazel:
  • I'm scared I may have the smallest willy.
  • I don't dig hairy people, which I'm sure Ed and Muffett are.
  • I may accidentally touch something I don't want to touch.
  • I want Hazel all to myself ;)

Bon at 10:41 pm

All content Shough-Gilmour 2002/03

Shough at 10:26 pm
Theres a bowl in our kitchen containing the remains of a one and a half old Weetos and milk. Chocolate mould is the new black.

Ed at 10:00 pm
Spanner magnet.

Ed at 9:58 pm
Bum eyes.

Sandman at 4:38 pm

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

One at a time thank you very much. Ed and Muffett aren't that good friends to me.

Bon at 8:59 pm

Sandman at 7:41 pm

Ed at 1:53 pm
Safeway girl, of course you can have all your beautiful pictures hosted on wormfeeder but I'm afraid the price will be high. Buying webspace on a desirable site like the wormery is like buying a posh pad in London Kensington. If you don't have the money then sexual favours is the only way.

Bon at 1:33 pm

Monday, November 10, 2003

Ha Ha

Shough at 6:55 pm

Saturday, November 08, 2003

TheFactory - A Blogdustrial Revolution!

Bon at 10:44 pm
So I'm still trying to decide whether or not Wormfeeder has actually taken a step backwards instead of forwards.
A significant reduction in content (if that was actually possible) but a significant improvement in style.
Whaddaya think?

Bon at 10:37 pm

Friday, November 07, 2003

It's the end of the world as we know it.

Sandman at 5:43 pm

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Mesa going home!

Ed at 2:56 pm
Whizzball. The most satisfying game on the net, at which Carl and I are champions.

Ed at 12:22 pm
Late night Hollyoaks special. Well worth the wait.

Ed at 11:41 am

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Just off to bed...

Bon at 6:17 am

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

After viewing the suggestions, I decided to use "fuck off, please". He thought it was a joke. Oh how we laughed.

Ed at 9:03 pm
Polite way to tell someone to fuck off?
"Fuck off, please."

Bon at 1:17 am

Bon at 12:54 am

Monday, November 03, 2003

This is becoming a poor version of Msn Messenger where each thing the last guy said relates to the next thing the next guy said

*Replace Guy with Gal If You Dont Want This To Sound Sexist

Does this sound like something Muffet would say? If so, sorry. No offence Muffet, wait what was this post about again? All I can think of are breasts.

Shough at 11:18 pm
More music to get your chops round.
(right click, save target as)

Sandman at 8:31 pm
I would love to comment on Kill "muthafuckin" Bill but I kept falling asleep throught the damn film:(

Sandman at 8:26 pm
Sweet animation, including an even sweeter song.

Ed at 7:04 pm
Please sir/maaaam I would wish you to do me the favour of fucking orf, thank you.

Sandman at 5:20 pm
How do you tell someone to fuck off really, really politely?

Ed at 4:45 pm

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Me? Emphasising someone else's breasts? Never!

Bon at 10:58 pm
Did someone say breasts? Woo!

Bon at 5:00 pm
Wormfeeder returns from the brink of death. Believe it.

Bon at 4:58 pm

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Days of past youth. Me, Justin, Alex, John, Muffett.

Ed at 10:17 pm
Hippo Girl. The funniest thing I've heard in a week.

Ed at 9:59 pm
"Slacker Of The Week" goes to Mr Gilmour, I am maintaining a multi-page Blog on here, this site, a handfull of others, my new site on Homestead and what are you doing? Hmmm. Nothing that's what.

Shough at 12:57 am

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