Friday, October 31, 2003

Whatever happened to Alex's weekly top 15 singles chart? There is too much slacking going on on this here Internet!

Bon at 10:52 pm

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Check out the videos here. Funny as funny stuff.

Sandman at 5:09 pm
They play the song to this video at work and all i can think of is the meerkat saxophonist.

Sandman at 4:57 pm
In the last month, I've got drunk so many times that every girl I see is really, really, good looking. A good thing in theory, but not in practice.

£200 on beer and wine in one and a half weeks? Me? Yes.

Ed at 4:31 pm
Four Tet - Pause. Get it here or here. Never mind the sexual favours, Ed.

Bon at 12:24 am

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

If anyone finds the album Pause by Four Tet, then buy it for me and I will reimburse, plus extra sexual favours. I don't do anal.

Ed at 12:24 pm
I am now a proud tenant of a Fully Functional Gas Fired Property.

Ed at 12:05 pm

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

What the fuck are you talking about you fucking fool Gilmour!?!? It was Deep Space Beaver not Beaverprise, get it fucking right. Sorry by the way. Fucker!

Shough at 8:04 pm
Some funny stories and some good ideas.

Sandman at 7:28 pm
What a productive day it's been (by day I mean yester'day').
There's now 6 members of TheFactory!
Erm... That's about all the productiveness I can think of actually.

Bon at 2:00 am

Bon at 12:18 am

Monday, October 27, 2003


Bon at 11:41 pm

Shough at 11:37 pm

Bon at 11:35 pm
A girl? Noooooooooo. I mean...heyyyy. No thats not what I mean either.

Shough at 11:28 pm
Gentlemen, there is a lady in the house...

Bon at 11:25 pm
Introducing: The biggest exclusive ever: A Sneak Peak First Look At The Sequel To Beaverprise, which you may never see because we may never finish Beaverprise;

Taken From Deep Space Beaver Episode One: Written By Justin Shough, With Help From Alex Gilmour.

Captains Log Star Date 1.0.0:You, the reader of this inter-planetary sci-fi quest have the privilege of joining me and my crew members on a fantastic mission, the very first mission to be conducted in this new ship, the Starship DSB (Deep Space Beaver)....

Steven: What is a captain’s log?

Captain: It’s a log, for captains

Steven: What’s it for?

Captain: Storing information on our missions

Steven: Why?

Captain: So we have a record of it

Steven: Why?

Captain: Just because

Steven: Why?

R.O.B.E.: If I may interject sir

Captain: Inter what?

R.O.B.E.: Oh sorry sir, some idiot had put the wrong personality chip in my system sever. It’s okay though…I fixed it! Ahhh fucking brilliant!

Dr. Ankran: Is there really any need for such foul use of this language you call English?

R.O.B.E.: What’s it to you Zoidberg?

Dr Ankran: You poor excuse for a computer! My name is Cornelius Ankran!

Steven: Cornelius? What a funny name!


Captain: R.O.B.E. what’s happening?

R.O.B.E.: R.O.B.E. cannot get the to the phone right now, please leave a message after the tone. Beep…

Captain: What’s going on? R.O.B.E.? R.O.B.E.? Noooooo!

R.O.B.E.: An error has occurred within R.O.B.E. R.O.B.E. is shutting down, all systems currently operating will stay active…


Shough at 11:19 pm

Shough at 11:18 pm

Ed at 12:32 pm

Sunday, October 26, 2003

You will live in a House.
You will drive a Mauve Nova.
You will marry a fine lady and have 0 kids.
You will be a Sheep Shearer in Norwich.

WOO sheep, but no kids. Hmm, I need to sort ma future out.

Sandman at 11:19 am
I will live in House.
I will drive a black Golf GTI.
I will marry Vikki Butler Henderson and have 5 kids.
I will be a pear picker in Austrailia.

Ed at 10:48 am
TheFactory so far has an average yield of 8 blogs a day, and productivity is sure to go up and up!

Ed at 10:39 am

Saturday, October 25, 2003

This is the best merger since Morrisons met Safeway.

Shough at 10:54 pm
Muffet! Ye of little faith.

Shough at 10:48 pm
Play Mash online!

mine turned out as follows:

You will live in House.
You will drive a Red .
You will marry Michelle and have 50,000 kids.
You will be a Bee looker-after in hell.

Makes perfect sense!

Shough at 10:39 pm
Um. Who thinks this is gunna work? I hope it does.

Sandman at 7:34 pm
This is a revolutionary new multi-blog.
A blog by many many people of all races and religions, all shapes and sizes, all abilities and personalities, and from all walks of life throughout the world.
So what if we're all white males who work in the same shop?

Bon at 1:33 am
The Factory is open for business.
We don't sell anything, we just make shit.

Bon at 1:01 am

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