Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Further proof if it were needed that NASA faked the moonlanding, July 1969 - Neil Armstrongs fake plastic foot.

Ed at 7:12 pm

Monday, August 14, 2006

Further proof if it were needed that NASA faked the moonlanding, July 1969. I mean seriously, this ranks among one of the worst lies/excuses of all time. They might as well have said that one of NASA's employee's dogs ate the footage.

Shough at 8:49 pm

Monday, August 07, 2006

If I could be a super hero my power would be the ability to freeze time (a la Bernards watch stylee). I don't know of any super hero with that power but who cares :D I still want it!!

Sandman at 10:15 am

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I wish I had super powers, what super powers would you want if you had the option? Most people go for invisibility but I would probably settle for flying actually, yes.

Shough at 11:37 pm
Why am I doing
A stupid mother haiku
why Bon why Muf why

Shough at 11:34 pm

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